Solutions to Our Patients
The Center has extensive facilities for various Ayurvedic treatments including Panchakarma & Naturopathy treatment provided Ayurvedic doctors.
Our center Mission provides safe and effective Ayurvedic medicine and encourages the people to move herbal treatment which creates an environment for purifying the body naturally, which eliminates all toxic imbalances, enabling to regain natural resistance from diseases and attain good health.
To study, teach, explore, practice, protect, promote and disseminate the knowledge of Ayurvedic in its classical form in a most affordable yet updated system and facility to all classes of people in the society.
* To conduct and support research in Ayurveda by combining traditional and contemporary methods.
* To practice and demonstrate successful Ayurveda by classical methods.
* To protect and empower the science of Ayurveda and its allied fields by activities like herb cultivation, conservation of endangered herbs, supportive activities in Yoga, jyotish and so on.
* Promotion of classical Ayurveda practices.
* Dissemination of our knowledge and findings to the benefit of all.
Today’s Trends and Need for Ayurveda:
In today’s world we observe longer life with lesser quality. When we look back at our ancestors we can clearly see they had a contended life of quality, knowingly or un-knowingly they had lived the life as prescribed by Ayurvedic science.
Present day as we see there are drastic changes in food habits and lifestyle > Leading to more of lifestyle disorders than infections.
Health problems now are multifaceted and hence need multi-dimensional approach and a more holistic approach than reduction medicine alone.
Unfortunately Ayurveda is getting popular more like a spa treatment or massage, which is limiting its complete utilization of real strengths in preventing and curing diseases.