Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) CFS patients suffer from debilitating fatigue, muscle pains and substantial impairment in short-term memory or concentration, coupled with other minor symptoms.
The exact cause of CFS, including related psychological and biological factors, is yet to be identified. CFS can happen because of a stressful event or viral infection. It can also be a fallout of changes in the functioning of the nervous system or the presence of stress hormones similar to those found in depression and anxiety disorder patients.
Ayurveda attributes the disease to aggravated vata dosha. Aggravated vata generates negative effects at the physical and mental levels. Feelings of intense fatigue, muscle cramps and pains are signs of aggravated vata dosha, as also are weakness of nervous system, disturbed sleep patterns, mental fogginess and forgetfulness.
The Ayurvedic line of CFS treatment envisages the balancing of vata dosha, the adding of rasayana herbs that would work on the symptoms and rejuvenate body tissues, relax the mind and strengthen the nervous system.
_ Include enough quantity of milk, pure ghee and milk products in food.