Oligospermia refers to a condition in which the semen has a low concentration of sperm and is a common finding in male infertility. A male is said to have this condition if he ejaculates less than 20 million sperm per milliliter.
Obstruction of the normal flow of sperm due to such conditions as testicular trauma and vasectomy. Scarring due to surgery on the male reproductive system or from infection and sexually transmitted diseases. Decrease in sperm production due to such conditions as Varicoceles (Varicose veins around the testes), hormonal disorders, diseases of the testicles, and obesity. tress, smoking, drug or alcohol use, some medications, exposure to some toxins, malnutrition and being underweight. Some sexually transmitted diseases, such as Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
In Ayurveda, Oligospermia is compared to Napunsakata (impotency). It has four main causative factors – beejopghat (decrease in sperm quantity), old age and kshayaj (excessive loss of shukra dhatu or reproductive tissue). The dosha involved in this condition is Pitta, which when imbalanced, leads to the loss of shukra.