Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical Spondylosis is a kind of Arthritis that affects cervical vertebrae and is characterized by pain at the back of the neck (radiating towards the upper limbs) and vertigo while bending downwards. There might be sensory loss and numbness in the upper limbs. In Ayurveda, it is known as Grivasandhigatvata. There are some degenerative changes in the cervical vertebrae. This, when coupled with trauma or incorrect posture while sitting or sleeping leads to the manifestation of Cervical Spondylosis.


Aggravated Vata Dosha (Ayurvedic humor representing Air) causes the degeneration of tissues and the joints of the neck. Vata aggravation is caused by the intake of dry, cool, light, stale, and gas forming foods; having food in small quantity; increased gaps between meals; having more of sour, bitter, and astringent foods; late night work schedules; smoking; and a lifestyle involving overindulgence in physical, mental, and sexual activities.


  • Headache
  • Stiffness in the neck
  • Tingling & Numbness in arms
  • Pains on back of neck & shoulders

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    Ayurvedic View

    The focus of Ayurvedic treatment in cases of Cervical Spondylosis is on pacification of the aggravated Vata by improving digestion and enhancing the digestive fire. This treatment is followed by administration of herbal medicines that foster rejuvenation of body tissues. Panchakarma massage therapy has also shown positive results in treating cases of Cervical Spondylosis.

    Diet & Lifestyle Advice

    • Increase intake of oily foods that are easily digested, sweet things, purified butter, vegetable soups, milk and almonds.
    • Avoid rice, refined flour, kidney beans, and other foods that cause flatulence.
    • Avoid physical and mental exertion.
    • Get a good night’s sleep.
    • Have regular, gentle body massage with lukewarm sesame oil.
    • Dhanurasan and Ujjai Pranayam are highly recommended for cervical pains.

    Home Remedies

    • Take one tablespoon of castor oil before going to bed, once or twice a week. This helps cleansing ama (toxins) and balancing vata.
    • Peel two cloves of garlic and crush it. Add this to a glass of milk. Boil it on a mild flame till one-fourth glass remains. Filter and make two equal parts. Drink one part in the morning and the other in the evening.
    • Warm mustard oil or sesame oil (1 teaspoon) with 3-4 cloves of crushed garlic and 1 tsp of ajwain (carom) seeds until it roasts to a reddish brown colour. Ensure that it does not get burned. Massage this oil on your affected areas. After that do hot fomentation with salt potli (bag).