Butter milk does not cause heaviness when consumed. Hence it is known to have the quality “laghu”. It gets digested quickly and easily.
Butter milk is usually sour in taste and acts as an astringent. (Due to this property butter milk helps in reducing pores caused by acne and pimples. It reduces hyper motility of intestines during diarrhea and IBS. This property also helps to shrink hemorrhoids).Aggravated kapha and vata are mitigated by buttermilk. It is the best appetizer. According to ayurveda it reduces bloating of stomach, eases symptoms of hemorrhoids, soothes intestines in IBS and helps in indigestion. It also reduces effects of poison and is very useful in treating anemia.
Types of buttermilk and benefits
Full cream buttermilk: Full cream buttermilk added with sugar calms Vata and Pitta. Very nourishing and coolant in nature. It is similar to curds in qualities.Curds is prepared from milk with cream. Such curd is churned without adding any water.
Half water buttermilk: Improves strength and digestive power.Take 100 ml curds add 50 ml of water and churn it to get half water buttermilk.
No fat buttermilk: Increases Pitta Dosha, hot in nature, calms Vata and Kapha.Churn curds till it becomes butter. Remove butter. The remaining watery part is no fat buttermilk. It is also commonly used as buttermilk.
According to Ayurveda, Curd at night is contraindicated. During night, curd is substituted with buttermilk.
How To Use In Different Diseases:
Irritable bowel syndrome:
For a patient suffering from IBS, butter milk is an excellent drink because it stimulates the power of digestion. Buttermilk along with Pippali – Piper longum and Rock- salt.
The inside wall of an earthen jar is smeared with the paste of the root bark of Chitraka – Plumbago zeylanica, and in this Jar, curd is prepared. Intake of this curd or the butter milk prepared out of it cures piles.
Butter milk along with Pippali and honey is like nector for peopple suffering from heaviness, anorexia, suppression of the power of digestion, diarrhoea and diseases caused by aggravated Vata and Kapha.
Stomach irritation:
Made with cool, watered down yogurt, buttermilk is perfect to soothe the stomach. As you drink it the cool buttermilk tends to wash down the spices and calms an irritated stomach lining. The added digestive cooling spices relieves the stomach of irritation due to spicy foods.
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