This therapy is a beautiful combination of two classical Ayurvedic treatments, Snehana (oleation) and Swedana (sudation). The whole body is bathed in streams of lukewarm medicated oil with simultaneous soft massage. Three therapists attend to the client, focusing on their particular needs. More than three liters of relaxing, medicated oil is used in this therapy. Pizhichil protects the body from illnesses and builds up immunity for a healthy life. It is very useful for rheumatic diseases, arthritis, paralysis, sexual weakness, neurological disorders, blood pressure, nervous weakness and helps to arrest the aging process.
Three therapists attend to the client, focusing on their particular needs. More than three liters of relaxing, medicated oil is used in this therapy. Pizhichil protects the body from illnesses and builds up immunity for a healthy life. It is very useful for rheumatic diseases, arthritis, paralysis, sexual weakness, neurological disorders, blood pressure, nervous weakness and helps to arrest the aging process.
This is a therapeutic process in which lukewarm medicated oil is poured all over the body in a uniform rhythmic way continuously in specific direction along with simultaneous gentle massages for 60 to 90 minutes daily for 07 to 21 days. This treatment is effective for rheumatic diseases like arthritis, paralysis, weakness of muscular and nervous systems and sexual weakness.
The Pizhichil treatment combines the goodness of both oils and heat providing the body and mind with numerous amazing benefits. Some of its benefits are as follows:
- Improves overall blood circulation
- Strengthens immunity system
- Completely rejuvenated body
- Keep diseases at bay
- Helps in quick healing of fractured bonesImproves muscle development
- Reduces stress, anxiety and tensionImproves skin quality
- Eliminates nervous weaknesses and disorders
- Treats paralysis, arthritis and rheumatic diseases
- Helps in diabetes, asthma and even in tuberculosis
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